We’d love your support
Your donation will help us continue supporting those experiencing suicidal thoughts and feelings.
Our site has secure online payment that makes it quick, easy and safe for you to donate. You can click through and read about how the various donation options will support the work we do including how you can help sustain our groups, keep us connected, upskill our facilitators and help spread the word.
Can’t afford to donate?
You can support us by telling your friends about our groups, following our Facebook page, and by coming along to our events! If you want to be notified about our next event and new ways to get involved with us, ask to receive our newsletter here.

DISCHARGED has big plans for the future
Your donations can help us get there!
We are keen to publish our research findings with open access, present our research findings at numerous conferences, and it would be fantastic to be paying our group facilitators who currently volunteer.
We would love for you to contact us if you are interested in making a larger donation towards any of these projects.
When trying to reach out for help many of us have been shut down, shamed, told to toughen-up and had our identities questioned or invalidated. Some of us have had the police called or been forced to go to hospital when we really just needed someone to hear how much we were hurting. There was nowhere we could talk openly about our suicidal thoughts without the fear of consequences - so we created DISCHARGED.