

Things to read

We’ve curated some reading material we’d love to share!

Things to watch and listen to

Check out some of our favourite podcasts and videos!


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A place to talk about what you’re going through.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are you wondering what it’s like to come to a group? Maybe you’re curious about the skills our facilitators have or how you can join us. You can find out heaps more on our frequently asked questions page!


Alternatives to Suicide

The goal is not to force someone to stay alive from moment to moment: the goal is to support someone in creating a meaningful life they want to live. Not killing one’s self is simply a side effect of that.

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Support Us

Your donation will help us continue supporting those experiencing suicidal thoughts and feelings. You can help sustain our groups, keep us connected and help spread the word. Our site has secure online payment that makes it quick, easy and safe for you to donate.