Do I have to talk in group?
No one has to share in group.
We don’t pressure you share about what’s going on for you and there’s no expectation that everyone shares every time they come to group. At the beginning of group, we do ask people for their name and pronouns but other than that, there’s no requirement to talk.
Some folks come along to listen to what’s going on for others, and everyone is welcome to ask curious and non-judgemental questions of the person sharing.
Also, since the group only runs for 90 minutes, sometimes not everyone will get an opportunity to share.
We recognise your right to share as well as your right to withold.
We know that sharing of ourselves is difficult. It is not for everyone. Sometimes people just want to come and listen and to connect. Others of us get worried about when to share or how long we should talk for and that confuses us. Sometimes it is hard to work up the courage or jump into a space when others are speaking. We know it can be hard, especially if you are new to this space! Our facilitators are trained to notice when someone is trying to speak but cannot find the opportunity to do so and they will attempt to open the space for you, where possible. If they do this and you do not want to speak - just say no. You can also say no to any questions which are asked without having to explain why. When sharing, you may not want to finish what you were saying - that is okay too. You can stop at any point without having to justify yourself.
This is your space in whatever form you want it to be.
Lots of group participants tell us that although they may not have had the opportunity to share, they get a lot out of listening to other people’s experiences… That in listening to other people making sense of their lives, it helps them to understand theirs a bit better.
Whether you are a sharer, a listener or a bit of both – we trust that you will get something out of attending the group.