How are the facilitators supported?
Supporting our facilitators is really important to us. As we continue to grow, we specifically invest in the well-being of our team. We aim to be an organisation that is emotionally safe, equipping our team with the necessary tools for the job.
Having two co-facilitators for a group means that we are able to debrief after every session. This gives us the opportunity to reflect together on our experiences of the group - especially if something has been triggering for one of us. Alongside the post-group debriefs, our facilitators have access to confidential supervision with a trained peer supervisor. Once a month, we host group supervision where we tackle difficult conversations and topics as a team. Co-reflecting helps us grow together and gives us unique insights into how to best support each other.
We also recognise that sometimes there’ll be stuff that comes up in our lives (we’re only human after all!). Sometimes one of us will need to have a break. In this situation we are prepared to have another of our trained facilitators step in for however long is needed.