Why do you have groups specifically
for trans, gender diverse and gender
questioning folk?
Here’s some of the reasons:
48% of young trans people attempt suicide - the highest known rate among any marginalised population.
Our visionary leader started DISCHARGED specifically in response to the high suicide rate in the trans population.
DISCHARGEDs’ Curtin University research highlighted that trans people experience significant discrimination, microaggressions and trauma in mainstream mental health services that lack an understanding of how to treat trans and gender diverse patients.
Having specific groups means that it’s safe for trans and gender diverse folk to be open about their identity. It’s important to us to create a space that is safe for trans people to get support from those who understand trans experiences. That’s why our trans specific groups are also run by trans facilitators.
Please note: As our capacity and team grows, we plan to open further groups specific for people who’s voices are often silenced or ignored.