What will happen when I come to the group?
Our good friend was recently published in The Big Feels Club newsletter describing what it was like for her to come to the online group in Sydney. Click here to read it in her words — read on to hear it in our words!
We recognise that some people just want a quick dot point summary of key things to know about group and that some people want a detailed description of what the group is like. So we’ve written up both!
Read as much or as little as you like - and just a heads up that we link other FAQ answers in the detailed description.
Brief Summary
We share about what’s going on for us, and what we are comfortable to share
No need to bring anything other than yourself
No forms to fill out, no registration necessary
You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to
Every group has two trained facilitators
Groups usually 3-10 people in them
Tea, coffee, water and bathrooms are available
All our buildings are non-smoking but you can smoke outside
We sit in an informal circle
Groups go for 90 minutes
For our online groups, you can phone call in, video call or just audio call
Detailed description
This description provides an overview of our groups but specifically describes the in-person details. Online groups run in the same way but with a few small differences (which are listed below).
Set up:
We meet at the same time, in the same place every week.
Our facilitators arrive about 30 minutes before group starts to set up the room and put the kettle on and to let people in.
Attendees can arrive any-time before group starts
Our groups run in a community space and we try to make the space as comfortable as possible. There’s often couches and usually a kitchen.
When you arrive at the group, the door may be locked. If this is the case, please knock or ring the bell and someone will let you inside.
If you arrive early, you are welcome to grab a hot drink or help us set up the space - we often do it together as a group.
The chairs/couches are usually arranged in an informal circle.
There is no smoking in the building but you can smoke outside in designated areas.
Beginning the Meeting:
To begin the group, our facilitators will take the group through an introduction to our values and then we’ll all introduce ourselves with our name and pronouns.
Next, we’ll open up the space for people to start sharing. Rather than going around the circle and taking turns to share, anyone is welcome to start and then we take turns talking about what’s going on for us. There is no expectation that you have to share and you are welcome to just listen to others.
Not every person will always get a chance to share in every group (especially if there a lot of other people).
Sometimes it might take a moment or two for someone to begin to talk at the beginning of group and the facilitators sit quietly until someone feels like being the first to share. This might feel a bit uncomfortable for some people.
When someone is sharing, the rest of the group listen and then anyone who wants to can ask non-judgemental questions of the person sharing (not just the facilitators).
It is important that we do not give advice or try to ‘fix’ the person’s problems for them.
You can request that no one asks questions of you either before you share or when you don’t want to answer the question being asked.
Sometimes we have a personal connection with what the person is sharing. This is really important, it tells us we are not alone in our experiences. Feel free to reflect this to the person sharing or if it has brought something deeper up for you, when they have finished their sharing – you can explore this with us in group.
As this is a peer group (we are all the same), sometimes our facilitators may share what is going on for them.
Sometimes we laugh together, sometimes we cry. All emotions and life experiences are welcomed at DISCHARGED.
End of Meeting:
Group runs for 90 minutes, with time reminders at 20 minutes and 10 minutes before the end of group.
When group ends, we often sit and chat for a bit afterwards. Some people might leave straight away, others hang around and help pack up the space. You’re welcome to do whatever makes you comfortable.
Facilitators and any helpers will put the room back to the way it was (re-arrange furniture).
The Facilitators will stay back afterwards for a short while to check in with each other before heading home.
After reading this, if you’re still feeling a bit nervous about coming along, feel free to reach out to us and we can chat to you and answer any questions you might have.
Online Groups:
Our online meetings are held on the Zoom platform (For details about how to use Zoom please check the description of the calendar event.)
There are two facilitators in these meetings
Online groups can have 2-8 people in them
Meetings start on time so please login at least 5 minutes before they start
Facilitators will protect your confidentiality by wearing headphones or be in a room alone so no one can hear what is being said – we ask you to do the same
One of the facilitators will go over our Charter / Values first and then they will ask each person to introduce themselves (Name and pronoun). You don’t have to use the name / pronoun you are usually known by.
Everyone (including the Facilitators) will keep their microphones muted when someone else is speaking. This is very important if you are in a noisy environment or larger online group.
Group runs for 90 minutes, the facilitators will give a time reminders at 20 minutes before the end so anyone who has not already shared may choose to share before the group ends.